

The “Freundeskreis des Collegium Oecumenicum Bamberg“ was founded on 18 November 2009 and was added to the register of associations at the end of that year.

The purpose of the Freundeskreis is to connect former and current residents, friends, and patrons of coe. Staying in contact with former residents will provide opportunities to call on their expertise and have their support.http://support.To

give an example: the Freundeskreis organized a trip to the old mine in Merkers in the summer term 2019. The group was competently guided through the mine shafts. An overview of our excursion can be found on our website.

Freundeskreis Ausflug


Furthermore, the association wants to support our house financially wherever it is possible and needed. In the last semesters, current residents proposed the installation of a new lighting system in Saal 1, stage curtains for our theatre team, a new fridge for parties, and a DSLR camera for our photo team. With the help of the Freundeskreis, those additions were made, and 50% for a new beamer in our Mensa was financed. These are only a few examples of the many projects. During every general meeting, the Freundeskreis discusses and decides upon new projects according to their articles of association.

If you have an acquisition request, write a mail to Describe what is missing at coe and should be funded by the Freundeskreis. Add a corresponding offer and we will discuss your proposal in our next meeting. 

The general meetings normally take place before the coe summer party (June/July).


Join the coe Freundeskreis

Form in German language

Statute and declaration of accession


Declaration of Accession of Freundeskreis



1. Chairperson
Dominik Nietmann, former resident of coe

2. Chairperson, Secretary
Theresa Bittschi, former resident of coe

Director of Studies (local manager)
Tanja Karbacher

Student representative in coe
Qasim Khalil

Maximilian Mooseder, resident of coe




coe Freundeskreis

Josef-Kindshovenstraße 5

96052 Bamberg
