
Singing, acting, planting, and much more - there are various teams in coe that enrich the common life. And if the team for your idea does not exist yet, then feel free to found it!

Current Teams in coe


Volleyballteam | volleyball team 

Tischtennisteam | table tennis team 

Kickerteam | football table team 

Fototeam | foto team

Musikteam | music team

Teams under construction

Coe-Event-Team | coe event team

For this we are still looking for dedicated residents

Andachtsteam | devotions team

Bibliotheksteam | library team

Musikprojekte | music projects

coe-Spontanband | coe spontaneous band


coe-Theatergruppe | coe drama group

Nachhaltigkeitsteam| Sustainability team

...and much more. Our motto: "The coe is what you make of it!"